Allow yourself some quality time before your trip to visit the Preventive Medicine or Travel Medicine Unit. If you suffer from a chronic illness or if you are allergic to stings or bites, some types of medicines, or others, be sure to take the appropriate medication and inform the organizer of the trip beforehand, in anticipation of any unforeseen eventualities.
If you are taking any medications in particular, bring it along in your luggage and take note of the active ingredients (generic names) because some specific drugs are difficult to find or may have other names/brands in other countries, especially in smaller towns.
When it comes to the most frequent topic of concern regarding what Pharmaceutical Medications, Foods, etc. whether or not they are Compatible before, during and after the consumption of Master Plants or other Natural Plant Medicine in general, specifically with the consumption of Ayahuasca, all the concerns and questions asked are understandable. However, we advise avoiding over-concern, stress and torture in this regard, since we faithfully believe that as long as a proper diet plan is followed with a lot of discipline, will and commitment in all its phases, first prior to your expedition or retreat its taken into effect, it will be the best you can do to obtain the safest experience as possible and with very good expectations. This is why we strongly encourage everyone to follow our Ayahuasca Diet Guide, which no matter what other additional medicinal plants are consumed while our expeditions or retreats last, this will serve you as a good guide for the benefit of all. Anyways, this request process will include a comprehensive Medical Questionnaire sent to everyone who is interested in participating in the consumption of any Amazonian medicinal plant, which includes questions about any medications you are taking. We will review it and let you know if your medications are compatible mainly with Ayahuasca and provide you guidelines about it. As for Kambo, there will be a separate Contraindication and Substance Guideline Understanding and Agreement Document sent to all future participants since Kambo possesses a completely different safety approach before and after its participation.
Vaccinations Are Not Required for Entry Into Peru or to Attend Our Expeditions or Retreats. Whether you receive vaccinations before traveling to our expeditions or retreats is up to you and your doctor. Also know that vaccinations are not contraindicated with Ayahuasca, we only advise receiving them with enough time in anticipation for any side or adverse effects to dissipate before joining us. The typical recommended vaccines before visiting the Amazon rainforest are Yellow Fever, Diphtheria-Tetanus (DT), Hepatitis A, Typhoid, and Rabies. Again, we can only recommend you to take them, they are not mandatory.
In the case of Malaria, for those who want to take pharmaceutical anti-malarial medication, Atovaquone/Proguanil (Common Brand Name: Malarone) shows no contraindications when taken in conjunction with Ayahuasca or other Plant Medicine. We strongly recommend this one also due to the mild to zero side effects. Start treatment with Malarone 1 or 2 days before entering a malaria‑endemic area and continue daily during the stay and for 7 days after return. Adults One Malarone Tablet (adult strength = 250 mg atovaquone/100 mg proguanil hydrochloride) per day. Other common anti-malarials such as Lariam (Mefloquine) and Doxycycline have shown (sometimes extreme) adverse reactions with Ayahuasca and should be avoided if possible. Although malaria is uncommon in our area, the active season is during the rainy season from December/January to May/June where the risk factor does increase. However, there have been some isolated cases at other times of year, so you do need to weigh the risks personally. The strain of malaria most common around Iquitos is Vivax, which is usually easily treated for most healthy individuals with strain resistant antibiotics. Once again, we can only recommend you to take the malaria medication, they are not mandatory.
LET US KNOW IF YOU’RE FEELING SICK DURING YOUR TRIP: In case you are on Malaria Pills you may be aware that most of these pills can get you sick from their side effects. So please make a Sound Decision ASAP to either stop or continue taking them as persisting symptoms could end up interrupting the evolution of your expedition.
KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF YOUR FACE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE: To minimize the risk of getting sick, please keep your hands clean as much as you can by washing them at every opportunity. Let’s try to carry a small bottle of hand sanitizer at all times.
WEAR YOUR JUNGLE SAFETY BOOTS: They are highly advised to use them and not only for the typical jungle muddy terrain, but for safety protection purposes as well (flesh-eating ants, toxic vegetation, poisonous snakes, etc.). Snakebites are a neglected public health issue in many tropical and subtropical countries. Wearing protective footgear and avoiding the handling of snakes while exploring the jungle will definitely lower our chances of finding ourselves in these unexpected and critical situations.
WEAR FRESH LOOSE-FITTING CLOTHES THAT FULLY COVERS THE BODY TO MINIMIZE MOSQUITO BITES, BEST LIGHT-COLORED CLOTH: It will be almost impossible but try to avoid mosquito bites, the main vector of malaria, yellow fever, and H-fever (dengue). Mosquitoes are most active from dusk until dawn. Always take the right precautions. Nothing really works better than covering your skin as much as you can from mosquito bites.
USE INSECT REPELLENT ON EXPOSED AREAS: Many of us with past experience in rainforest explorations know clearly that the most effective compounds against mosquitoes are DEET (N,N-diethyl meta toluamide), permethrin and icaridin. Now, despite this being mentioned, it is important to make known that non-natural repellents with many chemical additives increase the alertness of all wild animals from long distances, thus preventing their encounter or sighting. Our humble recommendation would be to use deet-free repellents with natural compounds such as eucalyptus, lemon, etc. For travelers doing plant medicine such as Ayahuasca follow our Ayahuasca Diet Guide.
WHEN SLEEPING, ALWAYS CHECK YOUR MOSQUITO NETS FOR HOLES: Ensure the bottom edges of your mosquito netting are properly placed under your sleeping mat to make sure no bugs get inside. Spray repellent for greater protection.
AVOID USING PERFUMED CARE PRODUCTS: Deodorants, colognes, etc. with strong scents normally attract insects a lot.
STAY CLOSE TO YOUR GUIDES OR GROUP: During an excursion into the jungle, you never want to be separated from your guide or the group. Myths about deadly plants, insects, snakes, and other predators that lurk in the Amazon believe it or not hold a bit of truth, and you do not want to add yourself to the short but realistic list of isolated incidents. The best way to avoid unwanted encounters is by staying focused, and always keeping your guide in your sight. If for some reason you become separated, blow a safety whistle. Someone will hear it at some point and try to find you.
ALWAYS KEEP YOURSELF HYDRATED WITH TREATED WATER ONLY: There will be different extreme factors during expeditions that will demand hydration. To avoid getting sick, always use the assistance of the guides to acquire treated water.
DO NOT APPROACH OR TOUCH THE WILDLIFE: Even if you find yourself to be fascinated by the Amazon wildlife, you should not touch any jungle flora or fauna unless your guide explicitly says it is okay. The jungle is a delicate ecosystem and touching the wildlife could endanger it. You also do not want to trigger the defense mechanisms of wildlife, which in extreme cases can have fatal effects. Beware of toxic vegetation, poisonous insects, reptiles, etc.
SWIM IN AUTHORIZED AREAS ONLY: While you may have nostalgic childhood memories of swinging from a tree branch to splash into a river or a lake, this is not something you want to do in the Amazon No Diving In The Rivers. The rivers and lakes of the Amazon jungle are filled with unique creatures, that can be dangerous to swim with, and some others are filled with pointed vegetation hard to detect in its dark waters. However, swimming is recommended only in safe areas authorized by your guide.
DO NOT DISPOSE OF NON-BIODEGRADABLE WASTE IN THE AMAZON: Help us protect the health of our environment. Pack up your non-biodegradable waste and take it away.
CARRY A SAFETY WHISTLE: Always carry a safety whistle when visiting the Amazon jungle or traveling in general. Use it if you get lost, when your boat runs out of gas in the middle of the river, or in case you are being chased by a pack of wild peccaries. Having a safety whistle can be a very handy item in tricky situations.
AFTER COMPLETING YOUR TRIP WE RECOMMEND DEWORMING: Some tropical diseases do not manifest immediately, they can develop much after your return. In case of feeling sick, seek medical attention and inform healthcare providers that you made a trip to a tropical area not long ago.