We are a Team of Organizers and Executers of Genuine Nomadic Survival Expeditions in Sporadically Explored and Unexplored Amazonian Territories. We truly are a very well selected team of indigenous hunters, coming from different Amazonian ethnic groups and geographical locations. All of us, probably one of the last groups of a very last generation of genuine hunters on the verge of extinction in the entire region. So it is important to let those who are planing to join us know that we are a united team of survivalists, with a lots of knowledge of the area, and we have known each other for many years already. It is also good to emphasize that we were all born in the Amazon, here we were raised as well, and here we still live in complete harmony with nature the same way our ancestors did. That said, the constant and extensive explorations we conduct on our land is a very normal and natural activity we performed almost daily compared to those who come from urban cities far from us trying to do the same. We highly encourage travelers worldwide to "Take their Time to Choose the Right Team for the Right Mission".
We are strictly dedicated to the organization and execution of long-lasting Nomadic Survival Expeditions.
We only choose to explore non-tourist jungle destinations in rarely explored and unexplored Amazonian territories, and due to the amount of time it takes us to reach these complex, remote, and disconnected Amazonian territories, the shortest expedition we can afford to undertake has a minimum duration of 10 Days Long.
We focus on Small Groups Only in order to provide the best-personalized experience.
We strongly promote our non-conventional style to highly motivated participants with strong adaptation capacities and who are in good physical and mental condition to undertake the challenges that the Amazon rainforest demands by nature. Whether your decision is to request us to organize a Private Expedition for you alone or your group only, or you're traveling solo and need our assistance to help you find a travel buddy for a Shared Expedition; either way, our goal will remain intact, which is to deliver the genuine Amazon experience you came to us for.
Each member of our team is of Amazonian Origin. All of us, with the motivation and determination to share our own Amazon survival knowledge in the most genuine and primitive way, and this combination of different ethnic roots found among us is what makes us unique.
We are not looking to compete with any other team in the region, we respect them all as pioneers or beginners in the field with their own style and ways of offering an Amazon experience as best they can and know-how. On whom we focus and always seek to improve at all times is our team, doing what we do in the most natural and authentic way because we were born here and grew up here, the Amazon is our home, and there is nothing to change or implement in our local way of life. Once again, our sole purpose is to show you the real life of an Amazonian indigenous group today, rescuing as much as possible their ancestral customs and traditions.
Last but not least, every cent we earn being ambassadors of our own homeland, stays for our region, native communities, and families.
The best recommendation we can give to any future visitors from the get-go is to be prepared and be willing to be integrated into a fairly nomadic experience that possesses only the most minimal and essential necessities. We believe that by being aware of all this, we all be able to allow ourselves to embrace and be embraced by a unique and nonjudgmental journey in the depths of a natural environment as complex as the Amazon rainforest, a once-in-a-lifetime experience that has no room for comforts, luxuries or prejudices.
The purpose and the mission of our team during every expedition, and survival experience will always be to give each visitor the feeling of being part of this extraordinary ecosystem, exploring it in the most safest and responsible way.
By simply choosing a team that only explores within minimal contact territories in the Amazon, our contribution to locals is quite extensive. Therefore, it is good to clarify and make it known that in any remote territory that we make the decision to explore, we will first begin by requesting entry authorization from the local authorities and then from the government. After acquiring our authorization, the indigenous communities who are the legal owners of the territories to be explored will benefit from entry payments granted and provided to/from each visitor. As a result, Amazon Expeditioners will start its coordination with a representative from each territory, and move forward with the acquisition of multiple logistical support services such as contract assistance for local guides, porters, cooks, and, motorboat operators. As well as the rentals of boats, canoes, motor propellers, and the purchase of various traditional edible supplies that will be very useful in supplying and complementing our diets during expeditions, among other things, such as the purchase of their arts and crafts as an act of personal will if required before the time of our departure, etc., etc.
Some of the most notable differences are the following:
a) The Food; Survival Expeditions will be sustained by 100% traditional local food, of which 80% will be found in nature during our isolation in the depths of the jungle, and 20% will be obtained from the indigenous communities of the area, as a way to contribute with them financially. Non-Survival Expeditions will be sustained with a combination of traditional local food, and internationally known food found in any urban city prior from our departure, of which 80% will be provided from the city of Iquitos and 20% from the indigenous communities of the area, again, as a way to contribute with them financially.
b) The Main Objective; Although both types of expeditions share the same objective of showing the reality of life in the Amazon, our Survival Expeditions will focus more in "Acquiring Wilderness Survival Skills and to Obtain a Nomadic Wilderness Living Experience of the Amazon" that' will teach visitors on how locals comfortably and instinctively subsist only with Amazonian Indigenous knowledge. Non-Survival Expeditions will focus just in the "Nomadic Wilderness Living Experience of the Amazon" which includes (Indigenous Cultural Knowledge, Wildlife Sighting, River and Land Navigation Explorations, all only in a less survivalist way so to speak compare to our Amazon Survival Expeditions), but both in our same adventurous nomadic style.
c) The Phases; Survival Expeditions will be broken down into three phases "Preparation Phase", "Training Phase", and "Isolation Phase", and Non-Survival Expeditions will be simplified into two total phases "Indigenous Cultural Immersion Phase" and "Wilderness Immersion Phase (Wildlife Sighting/Exploration/Crossing/Trekking)".
d) The Pace; For the same reason that Survival Expeditions primary focus is on learning/training and the challenge of preserving subsistence in a very complex natural environment, the evolution of this event will be executed at a slower pace versus Non-Survival Expeditions, the challenge is different and it'll be there for both, but for the second option explorations and crossings will have to be carried out in a certain amount of time, the approach is also different and varied according to the requirement. The pace can vary from being a leisurely expedition in search of certain species of animals endemic to the Amazon, to an expedition of exploration and crossing at a more accelerated pace in order to reach a desired destination.
e) The Levels of Difficulty; Survival Expeditions from "Moderate to Challenging" and from "Challenging to Strenuous", and Non-Survival Expeditions from "Easy to Moderate", from "Moderate to Challenging" and from "Challenging to Strenuous".
f) The Accommodations; Moving through the pristine territories of the Amazon jungle like free nomads it's definitely our style, that said, we do want to make clear that for Survival Expeditions we'll be providing and keeping the load to the very minimum with mosquito nets only, and for Non-Survival Expeditions the same, but with the little flexibility of allowing travelers bring their personal camping tents.
For whichever you decide in the end or for which you feel in the physical and mental capabilities to perform, Survival or Non-Survival Expedition, we encourage travelers to be prepared with an open mind and heart and to be willing to adapt to any upcoming challenges encountering when committing to this very nomadic adventurous lifestyle into the depths of the Amazon Rainforest, which it'll be an indigenous lifestyle that has no room for comforts, luxuries or prejudices.
Amazon Expeditioners always explore the Amazon jungle with a SIX-MEN TEAM MINIMUM. Why?... well the answer is very simple, we will not be taking a walk through an amusement park, or going through another boring zoo while we finish all the junk food we brought in our backpacks. We organize and execute "Expeditions and Not Tours", and due to the nomadic way in which our explorations and training, both Survival and Non-Survival are carried out, it is vital for our visitors to have a good handful of experienced warriors so that they can at any given moment, react skillfully and with good judgment, to all kinds of unexpected situations that may arise. We are ourselves as a team, our contingency plan for every challenge, and thus provide everyone who chooses us to feel calm under our safe protection.
After contacting us via WhatsApp, determining your exact travel dates, understanding our proposed outline, and agreeing with our rates, terms, and conditions. We'll then send you a payment link via e-mail to collect the 50% total cost of your expedition payable with credit or debit card only.
Remaining balances are effective the day of your arrival, to be paid in cash only, and either in Peruvian Soles or US Dollars. Make sure bills are in good condition, without creases, tears, or stains, as banks do not accept damaged bills in Peru.
The maximum group size allowed is between 2 - 6 participants per group. Larger groups will become small independent groups, each with their own scouting team, equipment, etc.
The Decision is yours and yours only! No traveler or group will end up with travelers they don't know, unless:
a) You are a "Solo Traveler or Group" who specifically indicated in your travel request to "Join Other Travelers".
b) You've already agreed to sign up to join other travelers for a shared expedition on our "Join A Group Page".
You Can Explore at Your Own Pace; Everyone is different when it comes to likes and dislikes. Some travelers like to take their time doing certain activities more than others, while other travelers like to make the most of their time seeing and doing everything they can. Therefore, unlike shared expeditions with travelers you do not know, private ones will give you full control over your time and schedule. Not everyone has a similar travel agenda as yours as well, especially when you all come from different parts of the world.
More Exclusivity: Organizers will ONLY focus on your private group to go far and beyond to reach ONLY your group's expectations.
Total Freedom and Flexibility; Private expeditions allow you to choose exactly what and when to do what you want, without debating with others. Freedom of how to spend your time is the main reason why some travelers choose private experiences instead of sharing experiences. After all, nobody knows you better than yourself or your group of friends/family, and maybe, therefore, keeping it private may be ideal for you.
Yes you can!, but it will cost you more. Rates for Solo Traveler are logistically calculated as follows: Total Cost of 2 Travelers Minus 10%.
If you booked a Private Expedition, we can make adjustments, otherwise, not too much we can do.
Sightings cannot be guaranteed in any natural environment and of any animal species, since nature is very unpredictable and full of surprises. What does work in our favor is that we only explore remote jungle areas, which maximizes our chances of finding wildlife.
Our expeditions take place in the primary jungle, rich in biodiversity where we have carried out a biological inventory registering different specific species to develop all our expeditions with better success.
Wildlife sightings depend on many factors, such as the weather, the level of the river, the duration of each expedition and the number of explorations conducted in it, and, the luck of being in the right place and at the right time.
Remember, the longer your availability, the more extensive and intensive your experience will be, and the more you extend and intensify your experience, the more remote, isolated, challenging, and extreme will be our journey. The more explorations we do, our chances of sighting wildlife will increase.
Iquitos City and its surrounding areas are typical of a tropical jungle climate: hot and wet most of the year. The average high temperature is around 90ºF (32ºC) during the dry season and the average low is around 70ºF (21 ºC) during the flooded season, although it can sometimes get a little chilly in the evenings. It is also good to have something warm during exploration hikes, as body temperature can fluctuate considerably. Please make sure to bring a personal light sleeping bag or blanket, which will be helpful when feeling cold.
Our Flooded Season in the Amazon runs from December through May - summer, and autumn in the Southern Hemisphere. It is our cooler and wet season, but keep in mind that we get only a little more than half (60%) of our total rainfall during the flooded season, and it is hot in the Amazon any time of year.
The Dry Season in Amazonia coincides with our winter in the Southern Hemisphere from June through November. This is the warmer season, and, despite its name, the dry season still gets some heavy rains.
You will be able to leave your additional personal luggage in our office during your expedition, this way you avoid additional hotel storage charges. All you will need to carry with you, apart from your exploration backpack, is your passport at all times, as you now need to show it at certain surveillance checkpoints.
If you are too concerned about having a normal bathroom for showering, or the need for a comfy city toilet while in the middle of the Amazon rainforest, then our nomadic style is not for you. In most of our expeditions, we use a very isolated jungle settlement we called "The Center" or "El Centro" in Spanish. Well, "Our Center" is what we recognize as well as our "Jungle Survival Training Center or Healing Retreat Center", the best we have to be offered around is basic rustic toilets and showers during our phases of preparation and survival training, as well as during our days of indigenous customs and traditions, meditation and healing practices with Amazonian Master Plants. Once this period is over, we typically proceed to our final survival or exploration phase which we call the isolation phase, where the real time to blend in with pure nature will come. Here at this point, we all turn into nomads.
So, we find it very important that in order to minimize the impact of your experience as much as possible, know that we do not promote any of our jungle expeditions as luxurious expeditions. On the contrary, you may encounter some physical hardships such as heat, humidity, biting insects, etc. We can provide mobile bathroom/shower tents only upon request in case this is one of your greatest concerns.
Most of our nomadic and experiential trips are focused on keeping the weight load of our equipment to the very minimum since overnights are performed on different jungle sites every exploration night across the jungle.
This is "Very Optional" No tips are necessary since Amazon Expeditioners contribute to local communities on every expedition. But, in case you still feel very enthusiastic about it, we suggest that you carry around up to S/ 200 Soles, Not Dollars or other foreign currency when giving out tips. Ensure your bills are in their 10's or 20's Soles to easily buy drinks, local souvenirs, etc. which is another genuine way to contribute financially.
Yes! ….. and as a quick tip know; that health, and dental services in jungle villages are limited to none, so we do not suggest bringing sweets of any type. The best gifts to give are fresh clothes, fishing hooks, fishing nylons, school supplies, hygiene kits, and first aid kits that contain basic supply medications that require no prescriptions.
Some do, and some don't.
Yes! ….. you will have purified/disinfected water during your entire expedition, and we strongly recommend you bring your personal camelbaks or personal water bottle to be constantly refilled throughout the day, hydration should be everyone’s responsibility and priority.
Our meals are not the typical tourist food, for the most part, we’ll be cooking Amazonian local food with food ingredients that last in the heat and humidity of the tropical rainforest. We will supplement our meals with fresh fruits, vegetables, and eggs for our expeditions' first two to three days. Starting Day Four, since nothing fresh will last for so long in this environment, beans, lentils, peas, and a variety of starches will come in place to save our days.
We might also supply our diets on the first few days with previously smoked meats, and then fresh fish and meats will also come in place but from our daily fishing and hunting trips to complement longer expeditions. We'll try our best to offer special diets, such as vegetarian, vegan, or any kind of diet by request, but we'll be real, it is not guaranteed.
If you are requesting a Private Expeditions we can be more flexible, but generally YES, we'll have from short to medium to long to intense jungle hikes combined on every expedition, and all are mostly done at a slow to moderate speed, and/or according to the visitor's physical endurance.
Keep in mind that exploring at a slow to moderate speed in the jungle is truly necessary since most of what we find and come across is vegetation, and to be able to spot animals you must take your time to look around and listen to all the wild sounds quietly. During expeditions, hikes are very important to enjoy the purest of its wilderness.
In addition, all will be based on how each expedition has been requested (survival, non-survival, levels of difficulty from easy to strenuous, etc.). In the end, everything will be adjusted to meet the needs that are required to complete your expedition.